
As part of our 2023 Q1 recent global study of senior leaders in HR and People Operations, we asked respondents to rate their organization’s executives effectiveness at using insights from employee feedback to improve employee experiences. We compared that data to the results of the Qualtrics 2023 Employee Experience 2023 Trends Study, which asked employees about how their organization responds to their feedback.

We found that 84% of HR leaders rate their organization’s use of employee feedback as “effective,” while just 43% of employees say they’ve seen positive change as a result of previous employee surveys – a 41 percentage-point perception gap between HR leaders and employees. Use insights from this data snippet to communicate potential disparities in leadership and employee perception of employee experience. 

XM Institute’s global HR executives study surveyed 911 senior leaders in HR from Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Qualtrics’ Employee Experience 2023 Trends study surveyed 16,163 employees from the nine countries listed above. 

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