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Why Are We Talking About Emotion?

Temkin Group has labeled 2016 “The Year of Emotion.” Our research shows that out of the three components of customer experience, emotion has the most significant impact on loyalty, yet it is also the component that companies are the least adept at handling and often seem to ignore it entirely… as you can see in this excerpt from a recent infographic:

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Over the past few years, advances in the fields of neuroscience and behavioral science have fueled a host of new techniques that companies can use to affect human emotions. Consequently, in 2016, we expect to see a major jump in the number of companies that discuss, measure, and design for emotion.


What Is Intensify Emotion™?

Temkin Group started the “Intensify Emotion” effort in order to help organizations expand both their understanding of and their focus on customer emotion. To this end, we will be researching, publishing, and speaking on the topic throughout this year. Check out all of our content on emotion. Here are some of our recent content:

We also want you (the readers of this blog) to participate in making 2016 a breakthrough year for raising organizational emphasis on emotions.

We hope that individuals will pledge to Intensify Emotion within their organizations and will share their innovative approaches with others.

To take the pledge, simply write, “I pledge to Intensify Emotion,” in the comment box below and proudly display this badge wherever you like.

We hope that you will also share the most innovative approaches you have used to successfully intensify emotions at your company in the comments section below. Use the hashtag #IntensifyEmotion to get the message out on Twitter.


Get the word out by tweeting with the hashtag #IntensifyEmotion

Tweets by @btemkin


The Intensify Emotion Provider Showcase

Temkin Group created the Intensify Emotion Provider Showcase as an opportunity to highlight vendors who can help large organizations discuss, measure, enhance, and design for emotion. Vendors submitted nominations to Temkin Group throughout July 2016.

Temkin Group selected which companies to include in the showcase based on the innovativeness of their capabilities and the ability of their offerings to scale for a large organization. Here is how the vendors describe themselves:

  • audEERING GmbH develops intelligent audio analysis algorithms and provides consulting services to help companies integrate next-generation audio analysis technology into their products and workflow.
  • BigEars Ltd is an award-winning world leader in interactive voice feedback surveys. Founded in 2004, BigEars helps businesses become more profitable by connecting them to their customers in a way not previously possible. Its unique feedback application, Customer Radio, brings feedback to life by making the voice of the customer easy to capture, listen to, and share.
  • Cogito Corporation develops and delivers behavioral analytics software that provides sales, service, and care management professionals with the real-time emotional intelligence needed to improve sales results, deliver amazing customer experiences and enhance quality of care.
  • Confirmit enables organizations to develop and implement Voice of the Customer, Employee Engagement, and Market Research programs that deliver insight and drive business change.
  • CrowdEmotion is a cloud-based emotion intelligence company that measures emotion in a way that is scalable, insightful and cost-effective.
  • Fiveworx is a customer engagement software platform that was purpose-built for the energy sector. Its custom-built email marketing and marketing automation software uses persona-based messaging and journeys (derived from proprietary polling of 80,000 Americans on their opinions, behaviors, and attitudes around energy and environment) to tap into energy customers’ deeper emotional drivers.
  • Man Made Music is a strategic music and sound studio. It scores entertainment and brand experiences by creating unique sonic identity systems that can be woven through brand touchpoints – communications, devices, customer support, and immersive environments.
  • Mattersight’s mission is to help brands have better conversations with their customers. Using a suite of innovative personality-based software applications, Mattersight can analyze and predict customer behavior based on the language exchanged during service and sales interactions.

The bottom line: Together, we can Intensify Emotion!