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Our online training curriculum and certifications are hosted on Qualtrics XM Basecamp - your hub for free, self-paced training content.
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The XM Fundamentals Certification
The XM Fundamentals Certification Certification is a credential that demonstrates an understanding of core XM principles. It is a training-based certification, built across five modules that cover essential topics for current and aspiring XM professionals.
START NOWTraining Courses
XM100: Introduction to Experience Management
In this introductory course, you will explore how humans process experiences and what behavioral science tells us about how people think and act. You will learn what Experience Management (XM) is and how it creates value for an organization. Finally, you will dive into the Experience Management Operating Framework to understand how an organization can develop a successful XM program.
XM101: Building an Experience Management Program
In this introductory course, you will explore the core competencies and skills required to successfully build and mature an XM program. Then, we’ll dive into the six steps to take to build an XM program roadmap, with examples for customer and employee experience programs.
Modern Employee Experience Management
Traditional EX Programs have historically demonstrated value. But EX Management is continuously evolving, providing organizations with the agility they need to respond to rapid change and drive ongoing workforce improvements. Learn the features and practices of Modern EXM that can advance the maturity of your organization's EX Programs.