XM Institute encourages the use of its content to propel discussions that help businesses improve Experience Management and their overall business performance. However, Qualtrics does not want its content or its brand to be used inappropriately. For that reason, we have established these basic citation rules:
- All references to content must be accurate, and in no way misleading.
- You must get Qualtrics’ approval before including any content, or mentioning XM Institute (or any of its employees) in any way within marketing materials such as brochures and press releases.
- You can not use any of XM Institute’s content within materials that are in any way being used to advocate the use of Qualtrics’ competitors.
- It is okay (and highly encouraged) to link to and reference XM Institute content that XM Institute has published, as long as it meets all of the other guidelines.
- If you are referencing data from a specific study, then the full name of the study must be referenced (e.g., The Global State of XM, 2020) or there must be a clear link to an XM Institute page that has the study.
- If you would like to use an XM Institute graphic, then you must maintain the copyright notice. You must get Qualtrics’ pre-approval to alter an XM Institute graphic in any way.
If you are unclear about whether or not you can cite XM Institute content, then you should assume that usage must be pre-approved by XM Institute, and reach out to XM Institute at info@xminstitute.com.