Experience Matters Blog

August 16, 2024

The State of B2B Customer Experience Management, 2024

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December 16, 2022

Accelerate B2B CX Programs with Robust Governance, Listening Portfolios, and Engaged Employees

In this post, we examine the current state of B2B CX program maturity, which is (slowly) improving. To help B2B firms accelerate their CX efforts, we identify 3 categories of activities they should focus on, with specific recommendations under each.

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August 24, 2022

Lessons From a B2B CX Leader on How to Build a Customer-Centric Culture

In this business-to-business (B2B) example, a customer experience (CX) leader built a customer-centric culture by focusing on how customers interact, making experiences understandable to stakeholders, and securing executive endorsements.

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October 22, 2020

Research Recap: B2B CX Best Practices – Embedding Actionable Insights into Key Processes

This blog post shares key findings from “B2B CX Best Practices: Embedding Actionable Insights into Key Processes,” which identifies 5 processes where CX teams can embed XM capabilities to sustain strong B2B customer relationships.

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August 24, 2020

B2B CX Management Efforts Have Room to Improve

How can B2B organizations adjust to increasingly high customer expectations? By embracing customer experience. In this post, we share data from CX professionals on the state of B2B CX and what differentiates leaders from laggards.

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June 18, 2018

Introducing the Temkin Customer Success Index

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February 21, 2018

5 Promises That Define B2B Customer Success

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November 1, 2017

Tech Vendors Receive Negatively Biased Customer Feedback (B2B)

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November 21, 2016

Business-to-Business-to-Customer (B2B2C) CX Best Practices

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January 27, 2014

Why Net Promoter Score May Not Align with Business Results

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