Key Findings

As part of our study of XM professionals, we asked 245 professionals about their career trajectory so far, their current role and satisfaction, and which areas are most important for them to grow their expertise. From our analysis, we found that:

  • XM professionals are here to help. Nearly one in three XM professionals are most motivated to help their organization succeed, and 29% are most motivated to improve people’s lives. 23% of XM professionals most enjoy ‘helping other people use experience insights.’
  • XM pros are very satisfied. Eighty-eight percent of respondents are satisfied with their overall profession. 69% are satisfied with their opportunity for career advancement. In their current roles, 72% say they are satisfied with their current level of compensation.
  • Not all leadership teams fully appreciate the value of XM professionals. Just 38% of respondents feel that their organization’s leadership team strongly appreciates their value. One-quarter feels less than moderately appreciated.
  • XM professionals are looking to level up into leadership. Over one-quarter of respondents see ‘leading multi-year transformation’ as the most important area into which they want to expand their expertise. Few XM professionals — just 4% — consider ‘managing XM technology’ to be the most important potential area of their expertise.


Here are the figures in this data snapshot:

  1. Respondent Organizations
  2. XM Experience and Education
  3. Experience Across Functional Areas
  4. Roles and Responsibilities
  5. Satisfaction with the XM Profession
  6. Appreciation and Job Searching
  7. Motivation and Enjoyment
  8. Expanding Expertise
  9. Methodology